On-Demand Videos for Online Economics Tuition

With the advent of the Fourth Industrial Revolution, it seems that the educational world is also being influenced by the Information Age, in which the way humans learn will also be digitised. The recent spread of the Coronavirus, or COVID-19, has inevitably led to a drastic transition towards online classes, resulting in an urgent demand for effective ways to conduct and deliver online economics tuition to students.

For online economics tuition conducted via pre-recorded video lectures, visual stimulation along with media-rich audio is a major advantage. In particular, recorded lectures that are available online have functions such as ‘play’, ‘forward’, ‘rewind’, and ‘re-watch’, providing students with the convenience of listening to lectures at their own speed. Pre-recorded videos do not suffer from delivery problems caused by bandwidth, dropout, lag, and other technical issues potentially inherent in live teleconferences.

Asynchronous learning is more convenient for families with slow internet, no internet, multiple school children, or parents working from home. Rather than being required to sit behind a screen all day, students can learn when it fits into their home schedule. If the video lessons are too long, you can view the whole session by diving it into small portions at your own convenience!

Economics Tuition Online

FAQ about Online Economics Tuition

Can I email queries to clear my misconceptions after watching the online economics tuition lessions?

Yes. You may email your queries to admin@jceconomics.com. Replies will be made within the week.

Are there more videos uploaded in the coming weeks / months?

Yes. New videos will be uploaded on a weekly basis.

Can I share the video link and notes with others?

No part of this publication may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system, or transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic, mechanical, photocopying, recording, or otherwise, without the prior permission of the copyright owner. There is a unique tracking number for every order to ensure no reselling or sharing of videos with other parties.

Are all video lessons fully conducted by Anthony Fok?

Yes. All lessons are fully taught by economics tutor, Anthony Fok.

What is the difference between the pre-recorded videos (online economic tuition) and the actual physical classes?

The benefit of watching the pre-recorded video is that students can pick and choose specific topics which they are weaker in to revise on. They do not need to attend the entire 2 years’ worth of classes as students might already be very well-versed in some chapters.

Do you offer the hardcopy notes for sale?

No. The hardcopy notes are not for sale. You may purchase the pre-recorded online videos which come with the lecture notes.

What are the different videos available on sale?

Some videos are focused on teaching content knowledge, while some videos cover case studies and essays.

How much do the videos cost?

The price varies from $110 to $440 per video, depending on the duration of the videos.

Are the videos available 24/7?

The videos are available 24/7 for a period of 2 years.

What kind of students do well with pre-recorded video online learning?

Students who excel in online economics tuition are generally organised, motivated, independent, and have good time-management skills.

What are acceptable modes of payment?

VISA, American Express and Mastercard

What should I do if I need technical assistance?

You may email admin@jceconomics.com

What are the technical requirements for online economics tuition?

All online economics tuition lessons require an internet connection. You are also required to download the PDF notes for viewing too.

How do I make payment?

Click on “Add to Cart” button and choose the number of lessons you would like to purchase. Click on the “Cart” icon at the top right corner to view your shopping cart. Log in / Sign up an account and continue to checkout. Please check your purchase amount and order details. Then, key in your credit/debit card information. Click “Pay” to make payment.

Are personal data collected secure?

Personal data collected will be handled to ensure student and parent/guardian privacy in compliance with the Personal Data Protection Act (PDPA), 2012. Information gathered will be used to communicate service-related messages (e.g. sending of videos and notes). Personal data will not be shared with external, or unrelated, third-parties without prior permission sought directly from the parent or legal guardian.

Are there other fees involved?

There is no minimum commitment or deposit payable.

Available On-Demand Videos

Balance of Payment | Economics Tuition Online
Case Study Workshop 1 | Economics Tuition Online
Case Study Workshop 3 | Economics Tuition Online
CSQ: Commodity Oils And Essay: DD SS On Childcare Services | Economics Tuition Online
CSQ: Development Of The Garment Industry | Economics Tuition Online
CSQ: Economic Impact Of SARS/H1N1/COVID-19 | Economics Tuition Online
CSQ Exam Compilation On DD, SS And Elasticity | Economics Tuition Online
CSQ: Government Expenditure | Economics Tuition Online
CSQ: Real Estate Macro Prudential Measures & Uber In Singapore | Economics Tuition Online
CSQ On Food Prices And Oil (For JC1) | Economics Tuition Online
CSQ On Gambling And Policies (Market Failure) | Economics Tuition Online
CSQ On Plastic Bags And Drawing Of Ban And Free Diagrams | Economics Tuition Online
CSQ: Public Library | Economics Tuition Online
CSQ Tourism In Singapore | Economics Tuition Online
CSQ: Zika Virus And Shale Oil Production | Economics Tuition Online
Aggregate Supply | Economics Tuition Online
Singapore Economy And Its History | Economics Tuition Online
Compilation Of Economics Diagrams | Economics Tuition Online
4 Macroeconomic Objectives / Key Economics Indicators | Economics Tuition Online
Demand | Economics Tuition Online
Demand And Supply Essays On Market For New Cars, Air Travel, Tourism, Oil And Computers | Economics Tuition Online
Demerit Good: Cigarettes | Economics Tuition Online
Economic Growth, Recession And Policies To Solve | Economics Tuition Online
Essay Exam Compilation On Key Economic Indicators | Economics Tuition Online
Essay On Personal Mobility Device (PMD) | Economics Tuition Online
Essay On Plastic Bags And Casino (Market Failure) | Economics Tuition Online
Essays: Economic Indicators And SOL | Economics Tuition Online
Essays: Macro Policies | Economics Tuition Online
Essays On Inflation, Unemployment, Market Failure And Circular Flow Of Income | Economics Tuition Online
Essays on Macroeconomic Policies | Economics Tuition Online
Foreign Exchange | Economics Tuition Online
Globalisation | Economics Tuition Online
Intensive Revision: Market Failure | Economics Tuition Online
Intensive Revision: Market Structure, Costs Of Production, Price Discrimination | Economics Tuition Online
Intensive Revision: Scarcity, Choice, Opportunity Cost, Demand And Supply | Economics Tuition Online
Interest Rates | Economics Tuition Online
Unemployment And Policies To Solve Unemployment | Economics Tuition Online
Multiplier And Circular Flow Of Income | Economics Tuition Online
Inflation And Policies | Economics Tuition Online
Macroecomic Policies | Economics Tuition Online
Market Failure: Education | Economics Tuition Online
Market Failure: Housing | Economics Tuition Online
Market Failure: Junk Food, Sugared Beverages, Fast Food | Economics Tuition Online
Markets For Oil, Grains, Housing And Air Travel | Economics Tuition Online
Direct And Indirect Taxes | Economics Tuition Online
Aggregate Demand | Economics Tuition Online
Case Study Examination Paper On Healthcare & Medical Tourism | Economics Tuition Online
Economic Challenges That Singapore Is Currently Facing | Economics Tuition Online
PES, XED, YED, Price Controls, Consumer Surplus, Producer Surplus | Economics Tuition Online
Price Elasticity Of Demand (PED) | Economics Tuition Online
Protectionism | Economics Tuition Online
Public Goods And Demerit Goods | Economics Tuition Online
Scarcity, Choice, Opportunity Cost | Economics Tuition Online
Standard Of Living (SOL) | Economics Tuition Online
Supply | Economics Tuition Online
Theory Of Comparative Advantage, Pattern Of Trade | Economics Tuition Online
Usefulness Of Elasticity Concepts (PED, PES, XED, YED) | Economics Tuition Online

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If you have further queries, please email admin@jceconomics.com

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